Sep 06 2022 49 mins
We've got a new generation of Pokemon inbound, and we're back together to talk about the additions that previous entries have made to the Pokedex, and how those have stacked up against each other! Come get mad that we have different opinions. Also, eat shit Nintendo Life!
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**Stephen** Twitter: @BBRJolly Twitch:
**Anna** Twitter: @IncidentallyAna Twitch:
**Celes** Twitter: @CelestheLost Twitch:
**Pat** Twitter @PokeRangerPat Twitch
**Blast Burn Radio** Twitter: @BlastBurnRadio Facebook:
Email: [email protected]
Blast Burn Radio is a production of Challenge Accepted Media. This episode was produced by Stephen Charboneau / Patrick Miller. If you enjoy Blast Burn Radio you can support us at media. Pokemon, and all related games and characters, are the property and trademark of Nintendo, Gamefreak, and The Pokemon Company.
Opening music in today’s episode includes Game On by Fishy off the OCRemix album “The Missingno Tracks.” Check out this great album at
Battle music in today’s episode provided by GlitchxCity! Check out her work on Youtube or Soundcloud at GlitchxCity!
Closing music in today’s episode is Shoal Cave Remix Version 2 also by GlitchXCity!
Blast Burn Radio and its hosts are solely responsible for its content.