Today's crossword, by Michael Lieberman, was a bear (not the growly kind, obviously, but one of the tougher-leaning Saturday NYTimes crosswords). It was an excellent mental workout, and the cluing really was deviously delicious, just the way we like it! For those of you just starting to solve NYTimes crosswords, just a reminder that the Saturday NYTimes puzzle is traditionally the most difficult crossword of the week, with difficulty ranging from "yikes" to "you have got to be kidding!". So if you had probs with this crossword, you were not alone!
In addition to today's crossword, we also are pleased to announce the winner of this week's JAMCOTWA™ (Jean And Mike Crossword Of The Week Award), and it is ... discussed in today's episode!
Show note imagery: Boating on the River Epte, by MONET
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