Jun 15 2021 96 mins
Debbie Matenopoulos is a two-time Emmy nominee, talk show host, journalist, lifestyle expert and one of the most recognized and well-respected TV personalities. In this Feel the Good conversation, we dive into how Debbie got started in journalism, her audition to be co-host of "The View", her relationship with Barbara Walters and saying farewell to Hallmark Channels' "Home & Family". We also chat about Debbie's upbringing in a Greek immigrant household, how motherhood has changed her life and her new skincare line, Ikaria Beauty.
This conversation will inspire you to set intentions and pursue your dreams. It will remind you to listen to your instincts, to be kind and gentle with everyone you meet and to know that you are magic.
Follow Shawl on Instagram/Twitter: @shawlinivmh
Website: https://www.shawlinivmh.com/
Transcripts Available: https://www.shawlinivmh.com/ftg-transcripts
Follow Debbie Matenopoulos
Instagram/Twitter: @iamdebbiem
*Spread the Good- Debbie's Charitable Organizations Mentioned in this Episode:
*The ALS Association - https://www.als.org/
*Adopt A Classroom - https://www.adoptaclassroom.org/
*No Kid Hungry - https://www.nokidhungry.org/
*Feeding America - https://www.feedingamerica.org/