Oct 23 2024 6 mins
Five years ago, a paper published in one of the world's most prestigious peer-reviewed journals made headlines across the world. The authors used NASA satellite data to claim that at least one-quarter of the world's green leaf area increase since the 2000s was due to Chinese tree planting efforts. Some celebrated, some couldn't believe it. What went on here and are China's newly planted forests as successful as they claim?
In Fact with Kyle Obermann, a groundbreaking series from CGTN, delves into one of the world's most debated environmental topics: China's environmental record and its global impact.
About the host:
Kyle Obermann is an environmental photographer, filmmaker, writer, and athlete who focuses on Asia's high mountain regions. Fluent in Mandarin, with seven years of experience living and working in China, Kyle has received numerous honors, including becoming a two-time winner of China's Wildlife Image and Video Competition. He has spoken at TEDx, served as a jury member for China's annual Outdoor Environmental Awards, and been recognized as a National Geographic Expert. Kyle is a member of the International League of Conservation Photographers, the Explorers Club, ICIMOD's Save Our Snow Campaign, and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.