Oct 17 2023 33 mins
How to cope with feeling homesick as an expat
Moving abroad is an exciting adventure filled with new opportunities, cultures, and experiences. An incredibly rich experience, offering opportunities to immerse yourself in a different culture, perhaps learn a new language and make new friends.
However, expat life is not without its challenges and there are bound to be a few bumps along the way.
One of the most common emotional challenges faced by expats, particularly those who are new to a country, is homesickness. (Well, the second most common – in my long experience in the expatosphere - the first most common seems to be expat guilt!).
Homesickness - This deep longing for one's home country, family, and familiar surroundings can affect expats at any stage of their overseas journey.
In this episode, we will explore what causes expat homesickness, how it feels, and strategies to cope with it.
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