Oct 04 2023 40 mins
Interested in becoming a foster parent? Find info here Every Child Arkansas
Read the SmartJustice Season 3 magazine
Jeff Piker
Skye Mitchell
Mahogany Smith
Licia Etheridge
Devin Singh
In this episode we talk with Children and Family Services staff and community leaders in Russellville, AR about supporting families during and after child welfare cases. They share how their community is collaborating in a new way and seeing better outcomes for families.
Restore Hope https://www.restorehopear.org
A Chance At Life was written and recorded by artist/producer Jason Truby and licensed for use through Wixen Music Publishing, Inc. Watch the music video that includes the artist and community members passionate about making Arkansas a great place to raise a family.
website: https://smartjustice.org/
fb: https://www.facebook.com/restorehopearkansas