Jan 05 2021 15 mins
Today we’re going to hear a story from what I call the waterway interviews. A few years ago I went on a documentary expedition in a small boat, from Norfolk to Boston up the Intercoastal waterway. The goal was to search for the American Spirit.
Meet Trina Sobotka. Being a little behind schedule we docked unannounced in a little marina at Cole’s Point, Virginia. A little town tucked into a sheltered bay off the Potomac River. (It's rumored that Blackbeard's famous treasure may be somewhere in the area.)
We were put up for free by Trina in a large many-roomed cabin on the water, and hosted that night at the local bar and grill, where there was music, good food, and the weekly dart match.
Here, Trina talks a little about Cole’s Point and the people that live and visit there.