Bourne Ultimatum: Jason Loves a Roof

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Sep 29 2024 117 mins  

Welcome, Void to our conclusion of the Bourne trilogy (we are NOT counting those other two). This week we scratch our brains about how and when this film fits in with the previous one, CCTV finally gets its day and it's 98% useless, and the shakiest of cameras. It takes special skill to get motion sickness from camera work. Look at what they make you give! Despite some confusion, we get the answers and the closures to a lot of the questions we've had across three films. Who's the bad guy? I think it's Albert Finney 'cause it sure sounds like Albert Finney. Other questions include: Does the CIA ignore investigative journalism about CIA ops? How does one kill someone with a book? Are all hitmen inherently attractive? (Erin says yes) And, is Jason Bourne really dead if they haven't found his body in the river yet?

Answer: No. ;)