Jun 07 2024 13 mins
The biggest obstacle for me not achieving my goals, not fulfilling my dreams, not taking the next step in my career desires...is me.
I have been falling into complacency, blaming everything under the sun for my lack of progress, and generally feeling afraid to take a chance.
I have been putting out an energy that is indifferent, afraid, self-critical...and it has been coming right back to me.
Recently I completed a week-long masterclass that was all about business mindset (DM me for info, I am glad to share).
I had a big WHOA moment on day 1. By Day 3 of 5, I was brainstorming a career coaching business. By the end of the week, I believed I could accomplish ANYTHING!
So I am jumping into it! I have no formal plan, no fancy masterclass website, just an attitude of "I can do this!"
If you think it and believe it...you can have it, do it, be it!