Feb 16 2022 25 mins
Host Becky Hennesy sits down with a new kindred-spirit friend Trog Trogdon. They met in 2021 at a chance encounter at Bonton Farms, an urban ministry located in Dallas, Texas. Trog went on to attend and participate in Becky's first ever Reformers Collective Conference later that year in October...and they have been fast friends ever since.
Trog has dedicated his life to building the kingdom of God by doing a lot of small simple acts of love and kindness...over and over again. He is the kind of man that just looks and sounds like he could have been one of the 12 disciples following around Jesus! His passion to see others find the Truth in Christ is refreshing, attractive and encouraging.
After graduating high school, he earned his BBA and MBA from Campbell University in North Carolina. Following his degrees, Trog came to Texas for what he thought was a business opportunity, but the Lord had different plans.
For almost 20 years, Trog has served in leadership roles for multiple ministry endeavors, such as being a Cares Team with Apartment Life Ministries, helping plant 1042 Church in Frisco, and being a Discipleship Minister with Christ Church Plano. Just before launching Kingdom Focus Coaching, he served as an urban missionary and VP of Discipleship with Bonton Farms where he invested his time making disciples.
Trog is married to a beautiful woman named Mendi and has three children, Sevyn, Rok, and Truth. He is passionate about helping the poor, sharing his faith in Christ, encouraging and equipping people to be all Jesus has called them to be.
Among his various nuggets of wisdom and stories, Becky and Trog also discuss his journey into ministry that began in Bolivar, Missouri...and they learn during the podcast of their shared common roots in the Ozarks where both spent time in school and training.
Links from the episode
Bonton Farms
Kingdom Focus Coaching
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