Aug 23 2024 87 mins
This was taken directly from our livestream over on YouTube. Come check us out.
The following description was written by A.I.
Ever wondered why the song "Happy Birthday" has such a tangled copyright history? Join us as we kick off this episode with a hilarious celebration of Dylan’s birthday, complete with a funny take on the famous tune and some amusing tales of restaurant birthday songs. We dive into the quirky side of late summer, a period we’ve coined the "dirty part of summer," and share our entertaining attempts at decoding everyday acronyms like PSL. Amidst the fun, we also touch on the bittersweet timing of Dylan's birthday, which coincides with the decline of Game Informer, leading us down a nostalgic path filled with laughter and reflection.
Dust off your old Game Informer magazines and reminisce with us about the golden days of gaming media culture. Remember the thrill of finding a new issue in your mailbox and the excitement of midnight game releases? We share personal stories from our GameStop subscription days and the irreplaceable joy of creative cover art and physical game guides. As the gaming world shifts towards digital pre-orders and early access passes, we discuss what’s been lost and gained, expressing mixed emotions about the evolution of the industry. Our conversation meanders through the impact of digital trends on traditional gaming experiences, and we fondly recall the communal energy of those chilly midnight launches.
From Vince Vaughn’s candid thoughts on Hollywood’s IP obsession to the nuanced debate of business versus creativity in gaming, this episode covers it all. We explore the challenges gaming publications face in the digital age, compare the practices of AAA studios versus indie developers, and celebrate exceptions like Rockstar and CD Projekt Red. Our chat extends to the cultural significance of IP films and the shifting landscape of first-person shooters, where we speculate on future trends and innovations. Wrapping up with a playful debate on film casting choices and their potential impact, we invite you to catch us live on YouTube every Tuesday at 7 PM Pacific to join the fun, and maybe even get a shoutout as part of our quirky closing antics.
If you enjoy our episode's content, come check us out on twitter @KDratiopodcast, YouTube as The KD Ratio Podcast! or on Instagram KDratiopodcast