68. Scrapbooking Yourself: 5/10 Your Values and Beliefs
Alice Boll from ScrapHappy walks you through Part 5 of the 10 part series to help you scrapbook yourself.
Part 5 is all about your values and beliefs. Have you captured your core values and beliefs in your scrapbooks and on your scrapbook layouts? Alice will show you how to get started.
Get all of the Show Notes here:
Find out more about an upcoming LOAD Challenge:
Do you have an album all about YOU? If not you need Scrapbook YOU, a class designed to help you create a highlight reel scrapbook all about YOU!
Contact Alice Boll from ScrapHappy
Instagram: @aliceboll
Instagram: @scraphappier
YouTube: ScrapHappy
Facebook: ScrapHappy.org
Find out more about ScrapHappy membership:
P.S. Alice's favourite episode is #2. Your Scrapbooking Why!
Contact Alice Boll from ScrapHappy
Instagram: @scraphappier
Instagram: @scraphappyorg
YouTube: ScrapHappy
Facebook: ScrapHappy.org
Find out more about ScrapHappy membership:
Find out more about an upcoming LOAD Challenge:
P.S. Alice's favourite episode is #2. Your Scrapbooking Why!