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Today I’m honored to have on the show for the second time: Hollywood and music industry whistleblower and survivor, entrepreneur and business owner, former member of the pop rock band, ‘The Cab’, loving father and devoted husband, digital marketing extraordinaire, advocate for autistic children, content creator, and my new friend: Cash Colligan
In case you missed Part 1 of Cash’s testimony, here is a brief recap:
Cash’s life experiences as a young adult in Hollywood, the music industry and his journey being signed to a major record label began right out of high school at 18 years of age. On he outside, it looked like Cash had hit the lottery by age 18 - and in Hollywood terms, he had. His boss was Pete Wentz from the iconic band, Fall Out Boy, and at one point, he was so close to Wentz that he actually attended Pete and Ashley Simpson’s wedding. For those of you who are millennials like me, these names and Cash’s story are sure to bring up some nostalgia today! By 20 years old, Cash had already toured the world, partied like a rockstar, experienced fame, fortune, popularity, money and lived a life that so many only dream of. But under the surface of all the money, fame, and facade came years of stress, torment, exhaustion, and - ultimately - trauma.
The first time Cash was on, we discussed his journey from childhood as a child passionate about music to eventually being discovered and signed onto a major record label right out of high school. He talked about the ups and down and the eventual downfall of the band he founded called ‘The Cab’ where a blatant lie ultimately led to him leaving the band and having to rediscover himself.
Today, Cash’s story picks up where we left off and on this episode, we will be discussing his life after ‘The Cab’, how he healed from the trauma that eventually caught up with him after leaving the band he poured his heart and soul into, beginning a new life and finding his true identity, his current work advocating for autism acceptance, discussing autism, love and fatherhood - and so much more.
Cash could have become a statistic like we often see in young starlets who have a fall-out with Hollywood and become addicts, homeless and even suicidal, and instead, he healed, found love and spends his life giving to and advocating for others. The story he presents and shares with us has never been heard in full before and it’s a great honor to get to learn from his ups and downs and how he survived situations that often lead to deadly life disasters with others who are chewed up and spit out of the Hollywood machine. We all have a lot to learn from Cash and I ask you all to please put away whatever you’re doing and give him your full attention as we get a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a man who grew from the dirt that was made to bury him, and who chooses daily to use his experiences to shine a light on the darkness.
X: @voiceofcash -
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