Feb 10 2025 41 mins
In this episode we pick up from where we finished Episode 1. We discuss in more detail the minefield that is the unregulated fields of animal training and behaviour.
We explore Becky's and Craig's experience of seeking help from various sources for the behaviours that Drax was exhibiting. We discuss how things progressed; but more importantly, how they each felt on this part of their Odyssey.
We highlight the stresses and strains associated with owning a pet with problem behaviour and introduce the listener to the value ofa validated ‘pet caregiver burden’ questionnaire. Milly and Daniel discuss how important this can be to us, as clinicians, in hleping us understand the nature of the stresses felt by a client, and how this can shape the focus of the assistance we give as a result. We illustrate this by discussing the results of the questionnaire which Becca completed for us. This described how she felt before coming to the Lincoln Animal Behaviour Clinic, and also how things changed as we made progress. This not only helped us, but Becca also explains how important this was to her, Craig and ultimately Drax too!
You can read a bit more about the questionnaire here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1558787823000576
Footnote for those seeking professional support:
If you are in the UK and would like help with your pet’s behaviour, we encourage you to seek professional advice. A list of Certificated clinical animal behaviourists, including the presenters of this show can be found at www.ccab.uk/.
You can also find further details of the Lincoln Animal Behaviour Clinic at animalbehaviourclinic.lincoln.ac.uk/.
In Europe, if you want to find a veterinary behaviourist you can find a list of Diplomates (individuals who have the highest level of training available in the field) at https://www.ecawbm.org/diplomates-list.
In North America, you can find a directory of certified applied animal behaviorists at https://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/committees-applied-behavior-directory.php and board certified veterinary behaviorists at: https://www.dacvb.org/search/custom.asp?id=4709.
#petbehaviourodysseys, #whatmakesyouclick #PBO