Jan 12 2025 65 mins
Send your questions or provocations to Adam or Budi here!
In the first episode of our sixth season, Adam and Budi sit down to discuss their upcoming year, and share some of the (not) New Years Resolutions.
Also, we have new theme music!
We are excited for many new episodes for this upcoming year, please send us through any thoughts or queries.
If you enjoyed this week´s podcast, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts.
To submit a question:
Voice- http://www.speakpipe.com/theatreofothers
Email- [email protected]
Show Credits
Co-Hosts: Adam Marple & Budi Miller
Producer: Jack Burmeister
Music: (Intro) Jack Burmeister, (Outro) https://www.purple-planet.com
Additional compositions by @jack_burmeister