The first half of 2024 has seen several major international elections. Outwardly, international politics after these elections looks reasonably unchanged. In addition, the situation in Ukraine has to some extent stabilised, there has been no major conflagration in the Middle East, and the temperature has been controlled between the US and China. But beneath the surface, a trend of political fragmentation and fragility has been an important emerging theme, and against this backcloth, the impending and dramatic US election now assumes even greater global importance.
This pre-summer podcast takes stock of where things stand and looks ahead to the next six months. We unpack current and potential challenges to Western democratic governments and institutions – including the US, France, the EU and NATO – and examine prospects for China, Ukraine and the Middle East.
Flint Partner Katie Whitting chairs the discussion between:
- Sir Simon Fraser, Flint founder and Managing Partner and former head of the UK Foreign Office
- James Crabtree, Flint Specialist Adviser and expert on geopolitics
- Matthew Lehrfeld, Flint Specialist Adviser and former US Diplomat.