The greatest metal line-up of all time is heading to Birmingham as the world says its final, final, final farewell to Ozzy Osbourne as a live performer.
Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Alice In Chains, Gojira, Mastodon and the drummer from Sleep Token are all on the poster but what exactly is going on? Is it a day of Sabbath classics? Are the bands playing 25 minute sets? And why did no one invite the Iron Maiden boys to the all-star gathering of guitar heroes?
And is £412 for a "golden circle" pass taking the piss or fair as it's in the name of charity?
Gav and James share their thoughts on it all, as well as the big letlive. announcement and the reaction to High on Fire joining the Damnation 2025 cast.
We go again, every Thursday morning.