Dec 06 2020 41 mins
This is the second episode, in a two part interview with Tessa Niles, a UK female vocalist who has performed and recorded with some of music’s greatest stars including Eric Clapton, George Harrison, David Bowie, Tina Turner, The Police and Robbie Williams.
In 2015, she released a book called “Backtrack: the voice behind music’s greatest stars”, which is a star-studded account of her 30 year career working alongside some of the greatest names in Rock and Pop..
Special thanks to Tessa Niles for agreeing to be interviewed for Talk to the Band. If you'd like to find out more about Tessa and her incredible career, please check out her book:
“Backtrack: the voice behind music’s greatest stars”
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#TalktotheBand #Tessa Niles #Backtrack #Sting #ThePolice #TinaTurner #ABC #TrevorHorn #DavidBowie #EricClapton #GraceJones #RichardNiles