The Joys of Jet Lag - The travelers mindset of being accepting and understanding of people around the world

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Jun 23 2024 40 mins  

Kat Medina is an entrepreneur, world traveler, public speaker, and author of the book "The Joys of Jet Lag."
Jet lag is a thing, and people who travel by plane for many hours through different time zones to reach their destination, can or will suffer from it.
It is not pleasurable, however, the art of dealing with it can help in other ways. For example, it can help us be tolerant, accepting, and understanding of people in foreign lands around the world. We will be guests in their country, a place that is likely to have different customs and way life from us.
As Kat describes her book, "How to use a traveler's mindset to not be an A-hole in daily life."

On a positive note, it is all educational, and will help us to respect our fellow human beings in the rest of the world.

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