The classic Digital Nomad experience. Working in Latin America and Europe, Faustina Mulnik tells her story.

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Aug 01 2024 36 mins  

Faustina Mulnik has been traveling as a digital nomad for the last 2 years. She also studied abroad in college (but got sent home early due to Covid!). She is a huge fan of long-term travel and tries to stay in each place at least 1 month at a time.
She has worked remotely from Mexico, Argentina, Spain, and Italy. and has loads of tips on what to pack, dual/esim cards, how to make friends abroad, etc.

Why wasn't the Digital Nomad experience around when I was growing up in England? Basically because the technology to make it happen was not around back then. If it was, I likely would have been one.

Keep on doing it Faustina.