Oscar Wilde Quote:
"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."
On being your own best friend:
When you have a friend as your inner voice rather than an enemy imagine the powerful partnership that you can forge with yourself. You simply can’t change the state you are in now until you accept who you are right now. Once acceptance has occurred you will be ready to move forward.
Use Mindfulness which is simply just being aware of your feelings and just accepting them, being aware of who you really are and then just accepting that. I mean honestly, what else can you do? The easiest path is just love and acceptance. Everything else is too complicated.
There are so many benefits in practicing self-love. It reduces stress and allows you to go through life in a more positive way that is healthier for your mind and body. Your creativity soars when you are treating yourself with self-love, because the inner critic is locked away and your fear of failure subsides, allowing you the ability to take chances in life, knowing that if something goes wrong or there is a failure of some sort, you will be kind to yourself and treat yourself as you would a child or a best friend. In essence you are more afraid of yourself and that inner critic then anything else. Failure is always inevitable. Failure is the first step towards success, so just embrace it. If you know that you will treat yourself kindly when you fail, then you allow yourself the freedom to just try everything your heart desires and to be creative because you know it’s okay if it doesn’t work out. You know that you can provide yourself with support, get back up and try again.
Here are a few things you can do to practice more self-love!
· First and foremost write the words “I Am Enough” on a post it note or directly on your bathroom mirror! Look at this everyday and say it every time you happen to look in the mirror! I learned this trick from Marisa Peer who is a famous Psychologist in the UK.
· Create a morning power affirmation. I’m awake I’m alive full of energy and full of life and today is a great day to prove it!
· Practice a self-love meditation where you teach yourself to love yourself in a way you never have before. Check out Insight Timer or Calm or any of the med apps out there to find something you like.
· Try to do Positive Mindset breaks throughout your day. 11am can be 5 minutes of gratitude, 1pm can be 5 minutes of listing 5-10 positive characteristics about yourself, 3pm can be 5 minutes of a self-love mantra. In the vein of self-care, maybe you can stand up and do some stretches while you do this positive mindset break!
Going back to you being the self-referral for your own happiness, I urge to try these methods and see how you feel a month from now. I can almost guarantee you will be feeling much better and your set-point for happiness will have increased. Remember to celebrate the amazing person that you are, so unique and so ready to share your gift! Wishing you all an abundance of self-love to be brought into your life by you and for you!!! xoxo
Consume less, live more!
Consume less, live more!