Feb 26 2025 4 mins 7
Read along to practice your English and to learn the English words AIRHEAD and AIRBALL
In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English word airhead. Now, this is not a nice word. This is a word you use to talk about someone who isn't very smart, someone who makes a lot of mistakes. You might call them an airhead. Actually, it's more like someone who doesn't remember things. You might call them an airhead. Maybe at work, you have to work with someone and you teach them how to do something, and an hour later they can't remember how to do it. If you were being mean and if you wanted to insult them, you would say that they are an airhead. This happens in school sometimes, too. I just the other day had a student complain because they said the other people in their group that they were working with, they thought they were a bunch of airheads. So basically, that student was saying the other students weren't very smart.
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The other word I wanted to teach you today is airball. This is a very specific and unique word. This refers to the game of basketball. When you shoot the ball and if it misses the basket completely, it doesn't hit the rim. Like, it doesn't hit the edge of the basket. It doesn't go in the basket. It goes right past the basket. We would say that's an airball. We sometimes in English might use this to talk about an idea that didn't work out. You know, we might say swing and a miss, or we might say, oh, that was a real airball. But mostly, 99% of the time, this word is used to talk about someone in a basketball game shooting the ball at the basket and it misses it completely.
So to review, an airhead is a person who isn't very smart. And an airball is a ball that you shoot towards a basket in the game of basketball, and it doesn't go in.
But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. Let's... I don't think I have one. Where'd it go? I thought I printed it. Okay. I don't have it. Yeah, okay. Sorry. That was the grouchy... Did you see the grouchy Bob there for a minute? I'm... I'm a little bit annoyed with myself. I was at school. I printed this, and I thought I printed a comment from a previous video. Maybe I didn't. Okay, there's no comment today.
And I didn't do... I didn't do that on purpose so I could say that I'm an airhead. That's... That's not why. I literally... Maybe it's in my van. Sorry. I know you don't watch these videos to see Bob wandering around. No, it's not okay. No comment from a previous video today.
But hey, I'm here in town it's a beautiful February day and it feels like February is ending for sure. We've been in deep, deep cold for so long. Just walking around out here with no coat on. The parking lot... By the way, you can see there is snow piled up over there. We should go have a look at it. In countries that get lots of snow, you have to put the snow somewhere. So sometimes you lose parking spots because you have to put the snow somewhere. So these piles were probably a lot bigger a couple days ago.
But yeah, it's definitely a lot warmer. It's probably not warm enough to just walk around outside with no coat on. But hey, I'm enjoying it. It's... It's been... It's been a long winter. I know I complained about it in another video on my other channel. I do still love winter, but this feels really nice. I'm looking forward to the weather getting a lot better.
Anyways, thanks for watching. Sorry about the no comment thing. No comment, yes. I guess I'm a bit of an airhead today. Anyways, thanks for watching. See you in a couple days with another short English lesson. Bye.