Sep 07 2020 57 mins
In this episode, we are talking about Robert Chun who has been in business for 33 years and he is sharing with us about his experience in business and what should one do to handle the business in a proper way so that one could grab success.
Check out this episode to understand personal success stories.
3:37 how was the business started?
8:27 what made him go to entrepreneurship?
13:15How taking a risk in business and moving forward helps to get success
16:55Defining what an entrepreneur really is?
17:24Starting something with no money is interesting!
19:01Mistakes make you build the right things.
19:46 what are the benefits of the carbon law group?
21:59Explaining what is coaching and how does it work?
23:00What kind of services are provided to the one who is taking coaching?
24:43 A positive mindset towards business is important to both the coach and coachee.
27:59 have good finance
29:53 how the business started growing?
31:07 consulting
35:06 what is a landmark and what does it do?
36:44 using the simplest way to move forward.
38:55 Does unity really matters in business?
39:45Comparison with you and other is also important
[40:45] discussing the history of business
[41:47] planning to discover new technologies after coronavirus
[42:35]explaining about coronavirus.
[43:55] comparing coronavirus as deadly as war.
[44:27]defining economy and ecosystem of finance.
[45:16] how the virus affected the financial balance in business
[45:59] changes happening in the next six months.
[46:50] why his dad bought a fish and chip store?
[47:12] stop immigration
[48:03] borrowing money from banks and bringing own stock back.
[48:32] value of a dollar.
[49:46] how tesla started battle and start winning?
[50:29] facing lots of ups and down
[51:04] the ability to take on a project requires effort.
[51:41] what is space X?
[52:30] anticipating issues and trying to solve it
[53:22] what are we gonna have in the future?
[54:33] discussion about some entrepreneurs.
[55:30] operating system is better
[56:07] business is not like buying one car but to trade a lot every three to four years.
[56:55] how to inquire or be connected?
QUOTES: “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
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