Jan 31 2025 40 mins 1
Who are these divas?! We are back with Chardonnay & Chisme and we are on the road to Wrestlemania here in Las Vegas! Royal Rumble is right around the corner and wrestling cosplayer Kaycee Liendo joins Iridian and Lo to give their predictions on the event including who will debut or return, who we want to win vs who we think will actually win and much more!
Music- Prod. by Jay 808
Logo Design- Joy Lin Arness
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Merch: www.shop.wrestlingwinedownlv.com
Kaycee's Social Media Links
Twitter: www.twitter.com/otmoonsault
Instagram: www.instagram.com/overthemoonsault
Iridian's Social Media Links
Wrestfriends' Twitter: https://twitter.com/wrestfriends
Wrestfriends' Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrestfriends
Iridian's Twitter: www.twitter.com/iridian_fierro
Fightful AEW Collision Post Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOW2Fas_2Ew