Nov 01 2024 10 mins
Welcome back, young scientists. I’m Dr. Universe. If you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of big questions about our world.
Today, the 4th graders at Palouse Prairie Charter School take Dr. Universe and her cougar cub friend Cosmo back in time to the formation of the universe.
- Join our intrepid science team as they explore the Big Bang
- Hear about how the sun works
- Learn about the Chicxulub asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs
All sound effects courtesy of Freesound.
- Explosion Outdoors Evan Boyerman
- F16 Takeoff Sandermotions
- Big boom SamsterBirdies
- Dramatic evil music Humanoid9000
- Snr_whoosh aishabag23
- Bing bong Timbre
- Asteroid toxicnun
- Radio static: eddy15
- Whoosh.spaceship newlocknew
- Dynamite explosion in the mountain felix.blume
- Dramatic acoustic guitar music LolaMoore
Want to make a podcast episode with your class or group? Ping me at [email protected]
As always, submit burning questions at Who knows where your questions will take us next.