Oct 14 2023 19 mins 2
Introvert Emergency Kit
Click here if you're ready to become a less anxious, more charismatic public speaker.
When it comes to public speaking, what exactly are you afraid of?
Most people I talk to don’t explore their fears at all – and this makes them worse.
The thought of public speaking brings up such uncomfortable feelings that they try to ignore them or stuff them down – which is why they continue to suffer from speaking anxiety, one of the most common fears in the world.
How is an amorphous ‘fear of fear’ holding you back and keeping you quiet?
I’m Sarah Mikutel, your communication and mindset coach. By the end of this episode, you will know:
- what you’re really afraid of when you say you don’t like public speaking – no more amorphous clouds of discomfort,
- how anxiety manifests in our mind and body and why not managing it is so harmful,
- the beliefs underlying the four different flavors of public speaking anxiety, and
- Stoic practices you can do to let go of anxiety so you can more eloquently express your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
So no more holding in what you want to say and then internally screaming when someone else voices what you’d been thinking. It’s time to start feeling more calm and confident when you speak.
Let’s dive in.