Feb 19 2025 45 mins 1
Last Monday night, we continued our series through the Book of Acts. In Acts 11, we see Peter make a defense of his actions by explaining his vision from God, which indicated that nothing God has made should be considered unclean. He describes how the Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles just as it did on the Jews, leading the apostles and believers in Jerusalem to praise God, acknowledging that He has granted Gentiles repentance to life. The chapter concludes with the church in Antioch growing as Barnabas and Saul teach a great number of people, and the disciples are first called Christians in Antioch. One of the main points that Josh focused on was how we, like Peter, can discern what is a true work of God.
We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every-other Monday night at 7:30pm. Visit phillyyoungadults.com for additional information about our ministry.
Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadultscc) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast or you can shoot an email to [email protected]