Apr 08 2024 34 mins
WISDOM: Jo Tocher's life changed after experiencing the trauma of miscarriage. No longer able to exist in the corporate world she set out not just to heal but to find purpose.
Life After Miscarriage, Your Guide to Healing from Pregnancy Loss is the story about Jo's transformational journey from the pain of loss to a place of acceptance and hope. But it goes further to show how any loss - including relationships ending, childhood trauma, a pet dying, kids leaving home, changing job, redundancy or a business failing or moving house, town or country - impacts your relationships with your partner, family and friends. As a holistic healer and intuitive coach, Jo guides you to understand how this loss is holding you back in your career, day-to-day life and overall happiness. You’ll recognise and understand your go-to coping strategies and learn how you can begin to support yourself with self-healing strategies so you can move forward and find joy again.
In this interview we discuss:
- Miscarriage, what it is, what to say and what not to say to someone who is experiencing this loss
- How men's pain is often overlooked during miscarriage
- Why it's not about having any baby, but this baby
- Leaving her corporate life behind for one of purpose
- Finding her purpose in helping others to heal and find their purpose
- The process of writing a book as intimate as Jo's and how her family and friends dealt with that
Jo's experience with holistic therapy and transformational coaching is not just rooted in knowledge. It’s rooted in empathy. She has travelled her own journey of pregnancy loss that fuelled her desire to help others. Jo founded Life After Miscarriage, Perinatal and Baby loss to support women going through grief and help transform their future through proven healing therapies.
Starting in corporate then transferring to care and compassion, the 20+ year career has allowed Jo to do what she loves, help people.
Website: https://jotocher.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jo_tocherholistics/
HOSTED BY: Nicole Bremner is an investor, certified financial coach, nutritionist, author and mum-of-three. In 2009, having had a successful career in financial services, like many women who take a ‘career break’ to have children, she found herself at a crossroads, not entirely sure what path to take next. Combining her financial knowledge with her passion for good architecture and design, Nicole was able to build on her experience and expertise to develop a new career, which fit around her children, and spent the next decade building a multi-million property portfolio in London. Now she combines her passion for property, financial literacy and health into this top raked podcast.
Website: http://www.nicolebremner.com/podcast
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolebremner
Instagram: http://instagram.com/nsbremner
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. The view and opinions of the guest speakers do not represent that of the host. Always do your own research.