Oct 26 2024 14 mins
In this episode, Linda Hengerer talks with Amy Vansant about her two upcoming releases. Find out what "Meat Bingo" is and what it has to do with Pineapple Cruise, and how Pineapple Circus came to have a circus setting.
USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Amy Vansant has written over 20 books, including the fun, thrilling Shee McQueen series, the rollicking, twisty Pineapple Port Mysteries, and the action-packed Kilty urban fantasies. Throw in a couple romances and a YA fantasy for her nieces... Amy specializes in fun, exciting reads with plenty of laughs and action -- she tried to write serious books, but they always ended up full of jokes, so she gave up.
Amy lives in Jupiter, Florida with her muse/husband and a goony Bordoodle named Archer.
Visit Amy at www.AmyVansant.com to sign up for her newsletter and find out more about her books.
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Get to know Amy - The Tart Words Baker's Dozen:
1. Plotter or Pantser? Combo?
100% Pantser. Rarely have any idea where I’m going when I start...
2. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee, but tea is a close second.
3. Beer, Wine, or Cocktails?
Yes please. Oh, you mean which do I prefer… Wine and cocktails. Not a beer fan.
4. Snacks: Sweet or Savory?
If I could eat anything any time without worrying about weight or health, I would eat donuts from dawn to dusk.
5. Indie Published, Traditionally Published, or Hybrid?
6. Strict Writing Schedule: Yes or No
I try to do it every day but nothing terribly strict about it.
7. Strictly Computer or Mix It Up?
There are people who handwrite books?? I’m not even sure I remember how to use a pen.
8. Daily Goal: Yes or No
Yes and no. I try to write one chapter and edit another, but try not to make myself miserable sticking to it.
9. Formal Track Progress: Yes or no
No. The only thing formal about me was my jr. prom. I even got chickenpox for the senior one and couldn’t go.
10. Special Writing Spot?
My desk in front of a 65” television I use as my monitor so I don’t have to wear reading glasses..
11. Writer’s Block?
Occasionally get stuck on a plot point or a direction to go, but a good shower will usually shake it loose.
12. File of Ideas: Yes or No
I got an iwatch to keep notes that pop into my head because I kept forgetting them. I transcribe them to Trello and paw through them when I need an idea.
13. Favorite Author(s)?
It’s been so long since I actually had time to read I don’t even know anymore. I’ve gone through Vonnegut phases, Carl Hiaasen, Michael Chabon, Julie Smith, Laura Lippman, a lot of nonfiction -- I like to feel like I’m learning something or growing as a writer when I do get a chance to read. Though the last thing I read was “written” by the cartoon character “Archer” --- so maybe not trying to learn EVERY time...