Jun 24 2024 37 mins
There are many things to consider when choosing a trustee or successor trustee for a trust. The trustee will face a number of challenges over the course of their service and will need to plan ahead to avoid the inevitable pitfalls. In this episode of Trust Me!, we discuss a proactive plan for a trustee to successfully administer a trust, and an overview of primary things to consider to mitigate the risk of adverse action against a trustee.
About out Guests:
Herbert A. Stroh, Esq. is a partner at McCormick and Barstow in San Luis Obispo, California, where he assists clients in trust and estate litigation, administration, planning, and conservatorships. He has also served as a mediator in trust and estate disputes.
Josh Yager, Esq., CFP is the managing partner of Anodos Advisors, a fiduciary consulting firm in Santa Barbara, California, where he is a recognized content expert on the issues of fiduciary duties relating to the management and oversight of trust assets.
About Our Host:
Daniel C. Lorenzen is a partner in the Los Angeles office of Venable LLP, where he advises individuals, families, and closely held businesses that have contacts in California, the United States, and around the world. He advises clients on all of the traditional tools of wealth planning, with an eye for holistic planning to minimize federal, international, state, and local taxes.
Thank you for listening to Trust Me!
Trust Me is Produced by Foley Marra Studios
Edited by Cat Hammons and Todd Gajdusek