Nov 11 2024 22 mins 5
In this episode we investigate the claim made by conservative Christians every year that Christmas is being threatened by forces they are weirdly shy about specifically naming. But of course the first and foremost piece of cognitive dissonance we must force our way through when examining the threat to Christmas is where it has ACTUALLY come from, historically. Christmas had been frowned upon and ignored in a lot of Protestant places throughout Europe for as long as the Protestant movement had existed. Their reasoning was pretty straight forward. Unbelievably straightforward and logical for Christians actually. The Christmas celebration is simply not Christian. The earliest mention of any Christmas celebration is from a Roman Bishop in 129ce. Long after the New Testament authors had passed. So while not celebrated by some Europeans, the first official state ban was introduced by the British Puritan Parliament in 1647. And that’s where our story will start. It features cameo guest star appearances from Oliver Cromwell, King Charles II, Jesus Christ, USA, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Henry Ford, Santa Claus, Barry Goldwater, John Birch Society, COMMUNISTS, United Nations, Peter Brimelow, VDARE, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster, Immigration and Bad Social Policies Don't Mix; A White Ethnic Core, Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League, Virginia Dare, Brown Vs Board of Education, Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC, The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity, DACA, New York Times, Bill O’Reilly, Christmas Under Siege, Fox News, Canada, Macy’s, Amazon, Pat Buchanan, Shark Week, John Gibson, The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought, Alliance Defending Freedom, Alan Sears, The ACLU vs. America: Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values, Ebenezer Scrooge, Wikipedia, Tennessee, Sarah Palin, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas, Joshua Feuerstein, Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus, Donald Trump and Liberty University.
#666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor
666, SketchComedy, Sketch, Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Atheist, Science, History, Atheism, Antitheist, Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy, Conspiracies, Sceptical, Scepticism, Mythology, Religion, Devil, Satan, Satanism, Satanist, Skeptic, Debunk, Illuminati, Heavy Metal, weird, Roman Empire, Rome, Romans, Roman Emperor, SatanIsMySuperhero,