Dec 09 2024 20 mins 5
In this episode, we wrap up the year with one final look at Satan in 2024's news. Or more accurately, we put shit on liars who invoke Satan to get attention from those, mentally, emotionally and intellectually less fortunate than the rest of us.
We talk about Roman Emperor Theodosius I, Olympic Games, pagan rituals, Ancient Greek, Zeus, Paris, drag queens, Jan van Bijlert, Le Festin des Dieux, The Feast of the Gods, Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, Gay Turtles, Gay frogs, Alex Jones, Rob Schneider, Twitter, American Olympic team, C-Span, Conservative Christian Podcaster, Allie Beth Stuckey, Christian Bible, Elbe Spurling, Brick Bible, LEGO, Jesus, Kung Fu, Blaze Media, transgender atheist, minifigs, Judeo-Christian mythology, yoghurt, The Satanic Temple, Iowa, John Milton, Paradise Lost, Iowa State Capitol Building, Tama County Courthouse, Curt Hilmer, La porte des Ténèbres, The Gate of Shadows, Toulouse, France, Marine Lee Pen, Minotaur, spider woman Ariadne, half-woman half-scorpion, Lilith, The Guardian of Darkness, Hellfest, Jewish folklore, Frasier, Xerox, Hesperides, Hades, Archbishop Guy de Kerimel, Sacred Heart, Catholic priests, America, Armageddon, Democrats, Lance Wallnau, Amanda Grace, Department of Justice, Inland Revenue Service, DOJ, IRS, charismatic evangelical preachers, Paul Djupe, Donald Trump, White House, robot, Hilary Clinton, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Madison Square Gardens, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Omega, Kash Patel, Director of the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mark Taylor, Michelle Moore, The Plot Against the King, wizard, warlock, witch, billionaire
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