Mar 05 2024 24 mins
Mariana Stern, PhD is a professor of clinical population and public health sciences and urology, and the Ira Goodman Chair in Cancer Research. Stern is co-lead of the CoGENES program along with Lourdes Baezconde Garbanati, and associate director for population science at USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Stern obtained her undergraduate training in Biology at the University of Buenos Aires, School of Sciences, in Argentina with a focus on molecular and evolutionary genetics. She obtained her PhD in Cancer Biology at the University of Texas-MD Anderson Cancer Center and pursued postdoctoral training in molecular epidemiology at the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health. At USC, she is currently Director for the MS in Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology program and teaches undergraduates and graduate students. Her overall research interests cut across the following main themes: diet and cancer, clinical epidemiology of prostate cancer, and cancer health disparities in Latino populations.
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