Sep 02 2024 39 mins
From Orin: “Your mind puts out a powerful broadcast of energy.” He goes on to tell us that our inner dialogue is important, as it determines the events people and objects that we attract. This week we use our minds to create higher energy language around our bodies, ourselves and those around us. Words matter. Some words have higher energy, for instance, love has higher frequency than like. Our practice today helps us let go of old out-dated thoughts and beliefs, replacing them with higher words such as peace, hope, harmony, well-being, joy, kindness, compassion, beauty. We learn about a fun exercise we can do anywhere and any time, where we think of a high-energy word for each letter of the alphabet: Abundance, Beauty, Clarity, Devotion, Enthusiasm, Freedom, Growth and so on. Try it!
We are reading and learning from the book Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya Roman. Reading Orin is like a cup of tea with a dear, wise friend. Here’s a link to buy the book:
'Ascent to Heaven' music by Sanaya Roman (
Podcast production by iRonick Media (
Breath exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Anyone undertaking to practice breath awareness and exercises should be mindful of their health and consult their health care practitioner if they have any questions about their fitness for this practice.