Mar 26 2024 51 mins
In this episode, Lauren Sanders is speaking with fellow LFW researcher, Renato Wolf about the issue of determining where legal obligations lie in the conduct of attacks, carried out by AWS. In particular they delve into his research about the Art 57 term ‘those who plan or decide attacks’ to see how that maps onto AWS, how that features in the AWS debate and what needs to be thought about in operationalising this legal obligation.
Renato Wolf is an international lawyer who served as a legal adviser to the Swiss Armed Forces for nearly ten years. He was deployed to Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and then spent two years working as a legal advisor to the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Unit at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. He holds a Bachelor of Law and a Master of Law with a specialization in international law from the University of Bern, Switzerland, as well as a Master of Arts in War in the Modern World from the King’s College London. He is currently a research fellow at the University of Queensland and finalizing his PhD on the legal review of autonomous weapons.