Oct 05 2023 40 mins
A handful of entrepreneurs in the property management industry have helped bootstrap and grow a property management company, sold the company, remained in a senior capacity with the acquisition company, and ultimately moved on to start yet another property management venture. One of those individuals is Travis Bohling of Phoenix, Arizona.
He is the co-founder of the property management company Home Ladder. Tune in as host Bob Preston and Travis delve into the importance of saying no and choosing a specific direction to the challenges of working in a large company where decision-making is hindered.
Topics covered:
(02:45) Travis Bohling’s background and his new venture, Home Ladder
(03:29) When Travis first decided to get into property management
(04:57) His work with RentVest
(07:23) The early stages of Travis’ property management company
(11:33) Expanding to other markets
(14:25) SureVestor Midroll Commercial (60-seconds)
(15:35) The decision to sell RentVest
(19:09) The acquisition process and working for Mynd
(23:28) The integration process of merging with a property management company
(28:33) About Home Ladder and its plans
(29:28) What is an ‘investor agent’?
(37:03) Closing thoughts
Connect with Travis Bohling
Episode 75 Sponsor: SureVestor
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At SureVestor, we’re Property Managers, too. That puts us in a unique position to offer innovative insurance solutions you’ve never seen before. Our Protection Plus bundle covers you and your owners when the unexpected happens. For instance, malicious damage, loss of rent and eviction fees, lawsuits, and certain accidental tenant damage.
We're also giving a huge shout-out to all of our fabulous Industry Icon Sponsors for supporting our show:
VPM Solutions
APM Help
Upkeep Media
Second Nature
Connect with Bob Preston
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