Nov 16 2024 20 mins
GROW Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom
I’m Lifting the World and it Is Heavy; join me, Lift with me
As we build Bridges of Love, Crossing paths, pushing aside differences to find common ground; GROW
-What we were born to do
The politics of Love, the agenda of Understanding, a campaign of Peace, Empathy, Caring and Sharing for Everyone
Around the World
We are one; a People Different but very much alike, therefore let us reach across the aisles that separate us
On borrowed time; let us Unite to Lift each other and cultivate trust
Our World, our beliefs, our Faith; the Faith that we can depend on one another; when we Lift each other, We all Rise
In God’s Will it shall be done
God who delivered me from the World and saved Me from Me
God who told me to GROW and to tell the World also
Trust God✨💝
God has a Beautiful Expected End for your Life;
it is not all for nothing; it is all for Everything
Sow Love (to you too)
Sow Love all over the World GROW💫💞
God is Love
Love is the backbone of all religion
Sow Love, GROW Love all over the World
To drive out hate and make the World Great
Material things don’t mean anything, one day we shall Leave with nothing
We are Spirits having a Physical experience
Life is what you make it, make it Beautiful ✨💝
Sow Love here We GROW 💫💞