Nov 06 2020 71 mins
This week I spoke with Omer Rom, who is currently working for one of Australia's top law firms. Omer grew up on stories of Israel and the IDF from his father and grandfather, and on a year-long trip to Israel at the age of 18, resolved that he would one day come back to serve. Thanks to some good advice from his mother (shout out to Mama Rom!), Omer decided to do his first year of law school prior to enlisting, which he was able to defer until the end of his service. Omer and I shared some laughs about the ridiculousness of Israeli culture and the military, and some serious thoughts on what connects us so strongly to Israel, and what we learned about the country during our service. We touched on the benefits of hardship in building and revealing character, and lessons learned from strong leaders in the army and in our lives. Omer talked about how teamwork kept him going when times got hard, and how it continues to serve him in the civilian world.
The lessons that Omer shared in this episode transcend the military, and are important for anyone who works on a team, or wants to be a leader in their life.