Two detectives, Anthony Jenkins and Poi Jacks, investigate and determine Renato’s cause of death, a cocaine overdose.
Tommy and his Mom drive from California back to the tennis camp he grew up at, Strong's Tennis Ranch, in Granbury, Texas.
After Tommy learns of Stanford revoking his tennis scholarship as a result of the DUI, he bumps into an old friend, Darren Grider, at the Strong’s cafeteria. Their friendship is complicated as they had a falling out that lasted 2 years. Determined not to give up on his dream of going pro, Tommy begins applying for wild card positions at upcoming ATP-level tournaments.
Tommy discusses with his mom whether to return to Stanford or not for the upcoming Fall Semester. As he is to fund costs if playing in an ATP tournament, he asks Coach Bob for a job as a coach, but is denied as a result of the DUI.
In desperate need of cash, Tommy secures a job as a dishwasher at the camp's cafeteria.
Darren convinces Tommy to follow up with Bob about securing a coaching job, which Coach Bob eventually grants.
Tommy is accepted into an ATP tournament.