Dec 19 2024 102 mins
For this final episode of 2024, I’m happy to welcome Goldie Boutilier to Roadcase!! Goldie has lived quite a life thus far, and her journey is one of ups and downs — but ultimately of survival and empowerment. Her latest EP, The Actress, her third effort in as many years, continues her through-line of living through trauma and eventually coming out the other side — successful, happy and thriving.
Canadian born — raised in the hinterlands of Nova Scotia — Goldie was signed by Interscope Records when she was just 21, but that went belly up, leaving Goldie alone in LA with few options. Ultimately, she landed in Paris where she worked in the modeling industry while continuing to dream of a career in music. Years later, she successfully started over again as an Indie Artist with a new life and a new vision.
This is a real-life tale of survival, empowerment and self-actualization, and it’s a MUST LISTEN. True to her name, Goldie is a true GEM, and I’m proud to share her amazing story with my Roadcase listeners!!
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Roadcase theme music: "Eugene (Instrumental)" by Waltzer