Apr 26 2024 37 mins
Lee Tomlin (Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, and Energy Psychotherapist) in London -
This Podcast is focusing on counselling/therapy in a relaxed manner, in the hope that by talking about different areas of counselling she will help in lifting its profile and promoting its efficacy. Speaking about subjects around therapy, health and how we can have more of a sense of agency around our physical and mental Health.
She will be speaking with interesting, skilled and passionate healers as well as people from a variety of backgrounds at times.
To contact Lee: [email protected]
website: www.tomlintherapy.com
Music intro by: Joe Snelgrove [email protected] and see him on YouTube and Instagram jsdrumguide
Talking about therapy in a relaxed but informative way.
Talking about therapy in a relaxed but informative way.
Find me on www.tomlintherapy.com Enjoy.
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict etc.
Find me on www.tomlintherapy.com
In this episode Lee is visiting ibiza where she was born in the 60s and grew up there, she is interviewing a colleague, friend and old fellow school pupil who lives in ibiza again for some time now, after some time away in Vancouver.
Sharon Loerzer is a Sa'sen Yin Therapist and has practiced for 30 years.
Sharon is the director and runs the 'Family Evolution Centre' in Santa Eulalia in Ibiza, she also works in London and online.
She holds one to one sessions and group work .
They speak about the work and also about life in Ibiza.
find her at : www.familyevolutioncentre.com
Instagram; family_evolution_centre
Find me on www.tomlintherapy.com
Tags: Selfcare therapy resilience mentalhealth physicalhealthfear Ibiza SantaEulalia counselling families children childrenstherapyletstalkmindset Evolution stigma
Find me on www.tomlintherapy.com