Feb 26 2025 30 mins 7
Jamie Reed describes herself as a "queer woman who's politically to the left of Bernie Sanders." For years, she worked at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital -- until she became a whistleblower.
What Reed saw violates the "first, do no harm" tenets of health care. "Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care," she says.
Reed is now executive director of the LGBT Courage Coalition. She's heading to New Hampshire to testify on behalf of legislation banning puberty blockers and permanent sex change surgeries for children. She talks to NHJournal about the latest medical research on the gender issue, and she answers a question that has even stumped a U.S. Supreme Court nominee:
"What is a woman?"
Hosted by NHJournal Managing Editor Michael Graham.
Sponsored by Perfect Smiles of Nashua.
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