Mar 09 2025 37 mins
“St. Patrick’s Day Today, Hungover Tomorrow.”
Seeing that slogan on a St. Patrick’s Day T-shirt sent William Spencer Reilly on a mission to “reclaim the day” from negative stereotypes to what is best about Irish culture. So, he created the Sober St. Patrick’s Day® Grand Celebration, a culture-rich, family-friendly, attractively priced, alcohol-free way to enjoy the “great day for the Irish.”
We delve into Bill’s life in theater production, how it served him in developing Sober St. Patrick’s Day, the movement’s early supporters including the Consulate of Ireland in New York, the event's growing success, the dangers of binge-drinking associated with St. Patrick’s Day, the champion Irish musicians and dancers highlighting this year’s program, and his plans for future Sober St. Patrick’s Day expansion.
As Bill says, “I’m not anti-drink, I’m anti-drunk. Sober St. Patrick’s Day is about all the best things about the Irish, just without the alcohol.”
As this episode drops, tickets are still available but act soon because the event sells out every year!
Sober St. Patrick's Day
William Spencer Reilly
Episode Details: Season 7, Episode 8; Total Episode Count: 111