Apr 12 2024 45 mins
Introduction (Shawn) - almost halfway through the season of adventure!
Topic: Event Reviews (Brian and Shawn)
-Salisbury Scramble
-TTC work
-reversed start/finish
-live results
-event recap on YouTube
-Danville Dash - brand new
-Adventure course
-race course - positive reviews
-KOM/QOM segment
-event recap coming
Topic: Mayhem at Mayodan Preview (Brian and Shawn)
-Theme: Out of This World
-Trail work opportunity: (3) sessions PZ registration required
-course inspection - group riding reminder
-Staff Pie Smash - fundraiser reminder (ends 28 May)
-course preview is available on YouTube channel
-warm up “area” - in the field
-Dates: 12 April (category petitions), 14 April registration deadline, 17 Apr Town Hall
Topic: Rules (Shawn and Brian)
-Handbook reminder: we all agree to abide by the rules when we sign up and in essence serve as a NICA ambassador - wherever we are
-Two recent issues: course crossing and ear buds. This is all safety based - situational awareness.
-Swiss Cheese model of human error
-we need your help: dogs
Topic: 5 String Stampede (Fletcher) 4-5 May Preview (Brian and Shawn)
-Theme: Wild West
-Context and background story: western venue - yay! Western venue - challenges!
-Course preview released this weekend
-Senior night and celebration
Topic: Upcoming (Shawn and Brian)
- Season Showdown (Mayodan) 18-19 May
- Qualifying: top 30 in each category OR top 20 placement in at least 2 races
- Still working schedule and guidance for non-racers
- Whitewater Windup (Whitewater Center) 1-2 June
- Venue survey this Saturday 13 April to finalize plan
- Basic format: riding/games on Saturday (orienteering), some activity Sunday morning, season awards and fundraiser prizes early afternoon to let folks get on the road
Closing (All)
Dad joke