May 11 2024 48 mins
Gear up for the latest NICA podcast episode! We're diving deep into event recaps, exciting previews of upcoming races (Season Showdown & Whitewater Windup), key end-of-season dates, and a glimpse into what's in store for 2024.
Tune in for the details on:
* **Event Recaps:** Danville Dash, Mayhem at Mayodan, TTC workdays, and the 5 String Stampede cancellation.
* **Season Showdown Preview:** Get the lowdown on the theme, course inspection, Strider Bike Rodeo, fundraising updates, Senior Night format changes, new features, and important dates.
* **Whitewater Windup Preview:** Discover the theme, dates, activities, and awards for this exciting event.
* **Upcoming:** Stay informed about the end-of-season survey, crucial dates, coach training, pre-season events, and NICA Eastern Regionals.
Don't miss this episode packed with the latest NICA news and updates!
#NICA #mountainbiking #youthcycling #SeasonShowdown #WhitewaterWindup #podcast