Jan 30 2018 61 mins
What happens when the guys from the Fried Bologna podcast, interview the gays from the Relationsh!t podcast?Laughs. Education. An ongoing intellectual property claim. And, the gay wedding story that you've been dying to hear!Listen to the final bonus episode before the first episode launches next Wednesday, February 7th! And talk to us via email or social media (information is below)!- - - - -Relationship problems?EMAIL US:[email protected] We will answer your questions on the show.- - - - -FOLLOW US:Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook@podrelationshit- - - - -SPECIAL THANKS:@FriedBolognaEnt (Instagram and Twitter)@tinman_tc & @Iam_HiIQ (Twitter)@steveedesigns (Instagram) for our logo!@mdotcot (Instagram, Twitter) for our editing! and (last but not least) ...... Antonio Carter for our music
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