Jan 25 2021 19 mins
Episode 4 -- **Please be aware: This episode is a bit more violent than previous episodes and contains some "language"**
Gavin Hollander and his armed gang of Hairy Boys have hunted Sean down and cornered him, his family, and crew of employees at his father's ranch. With Sean's driver Donny held hostage, the group will have to use Pistol's old World War II weaponry to turn the tables on them.
Written & Produced by Tyler Eaton
Connor Cacciottolo as "Sean Applewhite"
Rebecca Usoro as "Francine Cunningham"
Jackie Kashian as "Margaret Applewhite"
Eddie Pepitone as "Gavin Hollander"
Kyle Kinane as "Pistol Sinclair"
Olivia Hill as "Charlotte Dempsey"
Shannon Dee as "Bonny Sinclair"
Alex Rogers as "Peter Dunn" and "Hairy Boy #2"
Dan Black as "Hairy Boy #1"
Artwork by Ethan Marler
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