Jul 31 2024 32 mins
Effective embedding of robotics and autonomous systems for social care will require alignment across many levels. This project seeks to move from the imaginary to the concrete by using an actual robot to help with dressing people, and imagining how this might integrate within the existing health-social care ecosystem in the UK.
Employing Lego Serious Play as a tool for creative exploration, the project wants to build a physical map of this system in order to identify agents and obstacles which may influence trust in, and therefore the integration of, this robot, and experiment with potential reconfigurations. The project is also conducting a series of interviews in the lab where the dressing robot is being developed, in order to understand how engineers make technical decisions.
Find our more information at the website: Mapping trustworthy systems for RAS in social care (MAP-RAS) – UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (tas.ac.uk)
Podcast Guest: Stevienna de Saille, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Sheffield
Podcast production by boardie.com
Podcast Host: Sean Riley
Producer: Stacha Hicks
If you want to get in touch with us here at the Living with AI Podcast, you can visit the TAS Hub website at www.tas.ac.uk where you can also find out more about the Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub Living With AI Podcast.
Podcast Host: Sean Riley