Oct 31 2022 47 mins
This week, Kevin, Al and Luise were joined by Emily Mancini to talk about the latest news with Power Platform updates, great eBooks about Viva via Mark Rackley, new devices (with live demos!) and the end of an era in Microsoft related journalism as Mary Jo Foley leaves ZDNet after 16 years. This led to a slightly diverted chat about what we were up to 16 years ago - can you guess?
Power Platform Oct 2022 Updates - https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/whats-new-power-apps-october-2022-feature-update/
Viva eBook - https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE56FRU
Viva Admin features https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-viva-blog/announcing-new-microsoft-viva-it-admin-features/ba-p/3650475
The Presenter + and Microsoft Audio Dock
Sara Fennah’s Presenter+ review https://teamsqueen.com/2022/10/25/first-look-at-microsoft-presenter/
End of an era for Mary Jo Foley https://www.zdnet.com/article/mary-jo-foley-looks-back-on-a-momentous-16-years-of-covering-microsoft-for-zdnet
Garry keynoting FinJS London - https://buff.ly/3gs7IE7
Viva Explorers Day https://communitydays.org/event/2022-11-12/viva-explorers-community-day-uk
M365 Chicago Microsoft 365 Chicago Virtual Event (m365chicago.com)
ESPC - https://www.sharepointeurope.com/conference/schedule/