Oct 09 2021 35 mins
With war comes death. Lala stirs the others to go on, as the siege of Grendelock Keep demands the courage of all.
Armageddon TM and its characters and story are copyright Terry Tibke. All rights reserved.
Music & SFX
[Sad Winds] by David Fesliyan, [Drifting Minds] by Alexander Nakarada, [What Will Happen] via EmoMotiveRoyaltyFreeSoundtrack, [Neglect] by Lucas King, [Skylines] by Tarena, [I Never Met You] via DreamyRoyaltyFreeMusic, [Horizon Flare] by Alexander Nakarada,[Orchestral Suspense] by Dennix, [Blood Pumping] by David Fesliyan, [Agression] by David Fesliyan, [The Northern Path] by Alexander Nakarada, [The Devil’s Cell] by XX, [Various Others] via Storyblocks Audio
monster bite by LucasDuff, Water Splash by Raavj, Didgeridoo Monster Roar by Noxdl, Anoa Bison Combo.mp3 by Animadierer, [See Previous Episodes for all other effects]
Jake Utter [Voice Actor] - Voices Turim Gliderlance
Andrew Embers [Voice Actor] - Voices Sand Rocketblade
Demetrius Hazel [Voice Actor] - Voices Lasertooth, Bartlett, and Darf Bloodshedder
Kobe Markworth [Voice Actor] - Voices Breed, and Gulanis
Liam Taylor [Voice Actor] - Voices Grandmaster Strongthorn
Sean Valley [Voice Actor] - Voices Strevan Pickaxe and Dithkanir
Hayley Craig [Voice Actress] - Voices Jaffrine Maplebow
Morgana LeFaye [Voice Actress]- Voices Tartara Silverwing, Extras
Tallent [Voice Actor] - Voices General Panthis Obsidianfist
JJtheJetvox [Voice Actor] - Voices Meineken Shadowstar and Aruthil
Brittanie Arwen [Voice Actor] - Voices Sinfa Songbird
Ben Habel [Voice Actor] – Voices Lakalith Paledust, Admiral Peelwarden
Maia Harlap [Voice Actor] – Voices Lala Truffleroot, Kithria Wraithchasm, and Ryuki Purplefist
Aaron Anderson [Voice Actor] – Voices Aldor Steelaxe and Dark Elves
Chris Bellinger [Voice Actor] – Voices Gundak, Percin and Dwarf extras
Alexander Doddy [Voice Actor] – Voices Rail Markrune, Van Leadsword
Callum Garner [Voice Actor] – Voices Gewurmarch Rottbone
Dio Kerr [Voice Actor] – Voices Dustorn and Hiryoto Dragonfright
Jerron Bacat [Voice Actor] – Voices Goblins, Artho, Ninjas, Dark Elves, Extras
Big Boy Buff Boy [Voice Actor] – Voices Goblins, Hao Grimswallow, Extras
Brandon Woodcock [Voice Actor] – Voices Goblins, Clergy, Extras